Can we be critical in a sisterhood?

Peut-on être critique en sororité?
Yes, it is possible to "criticize a woman" while being in a dynamic of " sorority" , but it depends on how the criticism is formulated and the goal sought. Here are some elements to understand how a criticism can be compatible with sisterhood:

1. Kindness as a basic principle
Sisterhood involves supporting and respecting other women, even when there are disagreements. Gently criticizing is about showing respect, understanding, and seeking to help, rather than hurt. Tone and intent are key. Criticism should be meant to build, not tear down.

2. Constructive criticism vs. destructive criticism
- "Constructive criticism" is formulated in a way that helps the other person improve or become aware of problematic behavior, while respecting their humanity and emotions.
- "Destructive criticism," on the other hand, aims to belittle, humiliate or hurt the other person. This goes against the spirit of sisterhood.

3. The intention behind the criticism
Before criticizing, it is important to ask yourself "why" you are doing it. If the criticism is motivated by a sincere desire to help the other person grow, learn, or better understand a situation, then it is within the sisterhood. However, if it is motivated by jealousy, rivalry, or the desire to prove yourself right, it is not within the values ​​of sisterhood.

4. Respect differences and lived experiences
Sisterhood also involves recognizing that every woman has her own experiences, perspectives, and life choices. Even if you don't agree with some of her decisions, criticizing while keeping these differences in mind is fundamental to maintaining a sisterhood dynamic.

5. Provide solutions or avenues for improvement
If you are criticizing someone, it can be helpful to offer solutions or alternatives. This shows that the criticism is oriented toward progress and not simply pointing out a problem. For example, instead of saying "what you are doing is wrong," you could say "I think you could try this other approach that might help you."

6. Avoid public or humiliating criticism
If you are in a sorority with a woman, it is best to share your criticisms with her privately, not in a public or humiliating manner. This preserves her integrity and shows that your goal is to help her, not to devalue her in front of others.

7. Recognize your own biases
It is important to examine one's own biases before criticizing. Sisterhood challenges us to reflect on how our personal experiences, biases, or upbringing influence our judgments. By being aware of this, we can criticize in a more empathetic and nuanced way.

In summary:
Criticizing a woman and being in a sisterhood are not contradictory if the criticism is " constructive," done with kindness and respect, and is intended to help, support, or encourage positive change. Sisterhood does not involve turning a blind eye to mistakes or flaws, but addressing them with empathy and solidarity.